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Referred papers

23) A spectroscopic search for non-radial pulsations in the d Scuti star g Bootis
R., Ventura, G. Catanzaro, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, M. P. Di Mauro, L. Paternò
      2007, MNRAS, in press


22) Spectroscopy of the hot pulsating star b Cephei. Velocities and EWs from C,N,O and Si lines
G. Catanzaro, F. Leone, I. Busà, P. Romano
      2007, New Astronomy, 13, 113 in press


21) Na-O anticorrelation and horizontal branches. IV. Detection of He-rich and He-poor stellar populations in the globular cluster NGC 6218
E. Carretta, A. Bragaglia, R. Gratton, G. Catanzaro, F. Leone, E. Sabbi, S. Cassisi, R. Claudi, F. D'Antona, P. François and 2 coauthors
2007, A&A, 464, 939


20) Spectroscopic analysis of the SB3 system 74Aqr
G. Catanzaro, F. Leone
      2006, MNRAS, 373, 330


19) Spectroscopic analysis of six suspected CP stars

      G. Catanzaro
      2006 MNRAS, 368, 247


18) Balmer lines as Teff and log g indicators for non-solar composition atmospheres.

      An application to the extremely Helium weak star HR 6000.
G. Catanzaro, F. Leone, T. H. Dall
      2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 425, 641


17) The effect of the surface distribution of elements on measuring the magnetic field of chemically peculiar stars.

      The case of roAp star HD 24712.
      F. Leone,
G. Catanzaro
      2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 425, 271

16) Orbital solutions for SB2 systems with a HgMn component.
G. Catanzaro, P. Leto
      2004, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 416, 661

15) HD 191110 a SB2 system with Hg and HgMn components.
Orbital elements and abundance analysis.
G. Catanzaro, F. Leone, P. Leto
      2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 407, 669

14) High resolution spectroscopy of HD207538 from Far-UV (FUSE) to visible (SARG-TNG).
A global picture of the stellar and interstellar features modeled.
G. Catanzaro, M. K. André, F. Leone, P. Sonnentrucker
      2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 404, 677

13) Spectroscopy of hot star candidates in M 33 and NGC 6822. II
G. Catanzaro, L. Bianchi, S. Scuderi, A. Manchado
      2003, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 403, 111

12) Variability of the HeI l5876 Å line in early type chemically peculiar stars. Paper II
      G. Catanzaro, F. Leone
003, Astronomische Nachritchen, 324, 445

11) On the behavior of the CII 4267.261, 6578.052 and 6582.882 Å lines in

      chemically peculiar and standard stars
G. Catanzaro, F. Leone
      2002, New Astronomy, 7, 495

10) HST and ground-based spectroscopy of K648 in M 15
      L. Bianchi, R. Bohlin,
G. Catanzaro, H. Ford, A. Manchado
      2001, Astronomical Journal, 122, 1538

9) Spectroscopy of massive stars in NGC 6822 and M 33
     L. Bianchi,
G. Catanzaro, S. Scuderi, J. B. Hutchings
2001, PASP, 113, 679

8) Spectropolarimetric measurements of the mean longitudinal magnetic field of chemically peculiar stars. II
     Phase relating the magnetic and luminosity varabilities
     F. Leone, G. Catanzaro
     2000, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 365, 118

7) A spectroscopic study of the magnetic chemically peculiar star n Fornacis.
     F. Leone, G. Catanzaro, S. Malaroda
     2000, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 359, 635

6) Discovery of pulsation in the Am star HD13079.
     P. Martinez, D. W. Kurtz, B. N. Ashoka, U. S. Chaubey, S. K. Gupta, F. Leone, G. Catanzaro et al.
     1999, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 309, 871  

5) Spectropolarimetric measures of the mean longitudinal magnetic field of chemically peculiar stars.
On the light, spectral and magnetic varibility
     F. Leone, G. Catanzaro, S. Catalano
    2000, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 355, 315  

4) Orbital elements of binary systems with a Chemically Peculiar star.
     F. Leone, G. Catanzaro
    1999, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 343, 273

3) Variability of the HeI l5876 Å line in early type chemically peculiar stars
     G. Catanzaro, F. Leone, F. A. Catalano
     1999, Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 134, 211

2) High resolution spectral atlas of telluric lines.
     G. Catanzaro
     1998, Astrophysics and Space Science, 257, 161

1) A spectroscopic study of some suspected chemically peculiar stars.
    F. Leone, G. Catanzaro
    1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 331, 627